Friday 21 July 2023


I (and the other Curmudgeons) am watching the FIFA Women's World Cup Football via a 'fan pass' I bought from SkyTV ($49).

That's OK apart from the fact that even after paying $49 I still have to endure seemingly endless advertisements for fast food, cars and all sorts of other crap I'm not interested in. Sheesh!

But - and here's the thing, I can only watch this on one TV in the house, the newest one that's in the lounge at the other end of the house - the Old Girl's TV. Remember this? WATCHING THE DETECTIVES

I've paid the SKY subscription which I arranged on-line from the Apple Mac computer in the study but cannot access SKYTV to watch the games on this Mac.

I can't access SKY TV to watch the games on the LG TV in the lounge either.

I can only access SKY TV to watch the games on the newer Samsung TV in the lounge at the end of the house - the Old Girl's TV.

Now this is OK- not acceptable, just OK while she's still in Christchurch but she comes home next weekend. It'll be interesting during the quarter finals, semi finals and final when I want to watch the games and she wants to watch 'Doctors with nice looks saving children while having affairs with attractive lawyers" or some such crap.

Now I'm an open-minded chap, you know me. I'm not a Catholic (anymore) so don't buy into all that fantasy but, even though I'm an advocate of Samuel Clement's 'never let the truth get in the way of a good story' adage, I think that there's some sort of conspiracy going on here.

FIFA, and all of those other sports bodies are well versed in how to screw the last dollar out of their viewers and sports followers (the Catholic Church could learn from them) and have got all the angles worked out in ticket selling, merchandise promotion, advertising rights contracts and television coverage deals. I bet though that they've worked out some sort of deal with the electronics manufacturers to somehow limit the ability to view live-streaming to the most recent television, computer, phone etc. models.  If you've got 'old' technology - in this case 3 or 4 year old devices then you're fucked.

I bet that there's some sort of 'kick-back' to them from every new device sold.



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