Thursday 10 January 2019


THE CURMUDGEON was wise enough to recognise the necessity of protecting ourselves from unwanted radio waves, electromagnetic transmissions and potential influences from the heavens and, following some early, if rudimentary attempts by others around the world has taken to wearing aluminium foil protection.

Previously he did this 'under the radar screen' as it were but Richard (of RBB) that great adopter (some would say copycat) noticed and jumped on the bandwagon took up wearing aluminium foil protection himself.

Richard, in his obsession about his brother Robert who is a devout catholic believed that Robert was in fact The Aluminium Foil Man taking steps to thwart the ambitions of atheists getting into heaven see HERE.

Richard was unaware that The aluminium Foil man was actually The Aluminium Foil Guy and a bona fide member of The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ


seen here looking rather confused is waiting to hear from his brother Robert to get an update on the likelihood of heaven being closed to him and his fellow atheists. While Richard doesn't believe in heaven, hell and the other fantastical constructs of christianity he does want to have a 'bob each way' so if he could get into heaven he'd give it a go.

At this stage Richard is probably unaware that he has joined a rapidly growing movement of worldwide aluminium foil wearers  or 'Tinnies' as they are known. Even Donald Trump has adopted protection against the influences of Democrats and began his State of the Nation speech yesterday wearing a nice designer cap that he borrowed from Vice President Mike Pence.

At this stage it's unclear whether it worked or not and it may be that he was wearing it inside out as instead of the cap stopping outside influences getting in it seemed to stop any influence or common sense getting out.


Here are some 'Tinnies' from around the world:

For the dapper businessmen

Early adopters

The as yet not fully committed

One that Robert would no doubt wish to copy

For the really paranoid

Women unfortunately haven't yet bought into the idea but maybe if the aluminium foil hats were more 'designer'?


Watch this space where we will conduct experiments to prove or disprove catechism, the creed, heaven, hell and the holy spirits divine message system.


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